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Blog Posts From: Cecily Bryson

How do unlimited passes work?
If you have purchased an Unlimited Weekly Lagree Pass, you can book up to one (1) Lagree Method class a day. If you cancel or don’t show up to class you will be charged a $25 late fee.
May 18, 2022
How do auto-renew memberships work?
Our studio memberships are designed for our locals, and require a 12 month commitment. You can book up to one (1) class per day, and can take the specified number of Lagree classes each month. Unused…
May 18, 2022
Can I take a class if I’m pregnant?
If you are pregnant or postpartum and have been cleared by your doctor to exercise, please arrive early before your class to meet with the instructor and go over modifications. We recommend previous…
May 18, 2022
How do I book my class?
All class bookings must be prepaid, and need to be made online. To book a class, you must first create a MINDBODY account and purchase a single class, class package, or monthly membership beforehand…
May 18, 2022
What is the cancellation policy?
Any cancellations or changes can happen up to 24 hours before the class starts. All cancellations must be completed online by going to Schedule > My Account > and clicking “cancel” next to your…
May 18, 2022
How does the waitlist work?
If you have selected to be on the waitlist for a class, you will be notified at least 60 minutes prior to class if a spot has opened via text or email. Please make sure you have opted in to receive n…
May 18, 2022
What if I’m late for class?
Out of respect for our instructors, and other students – If you do not show up for your reserved spot within 5 minutes of the start of class, it may be given to a standby student who is on the waitli…
May 18, 2022
I’m recovering from an injury. Which class is best?
If you’re recovering from an injury, our Pilates Reformer | Classic class is the best class type to modify for injuries in a safe environment. However, all classes are designed for all levels. Please…
May 18, 2022
What is the difference between our Pilates and Lagree classes?
Our Lagree Method class is performed on a Megaformer, and is a perfect fit for clients who love Pilates, but wish it was a more challenging workout. A Lagree workout is a high-intensity, full body wo…
May 16, 2022
What should I wear to class?
For your safety and for studio cleanliness, grip socks (that are sticky on the bottom) are required for our classes. If you don’t have any, you can purchase them from a wide variety at the studio. We…
May 16, 2022